September 12, 2014

Getting into a routine!

 Well Caterpillar Corner has been in session for a little over a month and we have settled into a nice routine!  We have been so busy learning about our five senses, learning letters, colors....(they know most of their colors already!!)...shapes, and numbers.  We have been making some wonderful arts and craft projects, that I hope go home to be proudly displayed on the refrigerator!

As we near the season of Fall...(Mrs. Tygard's favorite season of the year!)....we will talk about all the wonderful things this season brings....colors, foods, we made applesauce recently, and the kids loved it!  In October, we will venture up to Mrs. Tygard's kitchen and make pumpkin bread, delicious!  I hope the children are sharing with you, about some of the books we read in class...they go along with what we will learn for the day, so ask them from time to time! we have lots of singing time, they are starting to have some favorites and request certain songs! We have even been practicing our marching band!  The triangle is the most requested instrument!!

I am enjoying working with each and every one of your children!  I enjoy preparing worksheets and art projects for them, and we are having a good time.  Thank you to all my sweet friends who come to school with thoughtful treasures for me.  I proudly display them on our class bulletin board!  Remember, my open door policy...should you ever want to come by and help out in class!!

Just to share with you....our day goes something like this....

12:00 arrival at school, take a few minutes to play with something on the work tables

About 12:10 we begin our morning circle time, which includes opening song, (Hello Friends), a story, calendar, flag salute, review of what we will learn for the day

12:30 brings table time, which includes tracing our name, (an every day task), an alphabet page, number or shape page...(just one of those), and an art project.  I split the class into two groups at this time.  One group will have time in the dramatic play room, while the other group is at table time and then we swap.
If we don't get to all our work at this time, we will finish it later in afternoon.

By 1:00-1:05 will find us outdoors enjoying the beautiful weather!  We play outdoors on the swingset and with balls, and we hop through hula hoops on the grass to help develop large motor skills and we are outside for a good twenty minutes.  

By 1:25 we come in, wash our hands and get ready for a healthy snack....which includes pretzels, or goldfish and a type of fruit.  We have had apples, watermelon, blueberries, dried cranberries, strawberries AND homemade applesauce.  The children are learning to serve themselves their snack, while learning manners at the table, AND pouring their own water into their cups.  They have all made a wonderful improvement on this since the first week of school!  I am so proud of them, and they are proud of themselves and all through snack time, many of them want to show me,  how well they poured! 

At 2:00 we will be at closing circle time, where we will read another story, sing some songs, play a balancing game with bean bags...which is also helping us learn our right hand from our left hand.  I try and review the day with them, and ask them to tell me a favorite thing they learned, saw or did that day. 

2:30.... time to go home!